Alteogen prepares an integrated environment and energy management system for eco-friendly management, and systematizes and complies with related laws and regulations.

– By establishing environmental and energy goals and providing resources necessary to achieve them, we are continuously improving the environment and energy integration system and performance accordingly.

-Since there are potential threats from climate change, we keep in mind the low-carbon economy (Carbonomics) to minimize the impact of climate change, conserve resources and protect the environment.

– We minimize the emission of pollutants considering the environment.

– We periodically inspect the environment and energy integration system and performance, report to the management and the board of directors, and communicate with stakeholders.

About Enviroment Management

Alteogen is making continuous investment and efforts toward an environment-friendly company with environmental safety, quality management, and environment in consideration of the environment for independent quality management.

Environmental management is our corporate management policy and we are implementing environmental management while minimizing the negative impact of our business activities on the environment.

The environmental management system refers to a system that sets specific goals and programs for environmental management, stipulates the organization, responsibilities, and procedures for achieving them, and efficiently allocates and manages human and material management resources.

Alteogen recognize environment/safety/health/quality as a core element of company management and We take it as the highest priority in all business activities.


Environment Management pursues harmony between environment and development through the Rio Declaration on Environment and Development at the “Earth Summit” meeting held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil in 1992. We have established a basic code of conduct and philosophical guidelines for future international environmental agreements.

Its official name, the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED), was used for the first time in the Rio Declaration, globally to promote ‘Sustainable Development’ environmentally and friendly.

The Rio Declaration has a significant impact on environmental-related business activities and exerts a decisive influence on the survival of businesses. Environmental management is no longer an optional requirement for growth, but an essential requirement for survival.

It is possible to continuously reduce and manage environmental impacts, reduce raw material, energy and waste disposal costs, and to respond with improved responsiveness to emergencies as the possibility of violating environmental laws and regulations and accidents is reduced.