Alteogen fulfill its social responsibilities in all business activities of the company and actively practice human rights management that values human dignity and values.
For this, we define our responsibilities and obligations to respect human rights for our employees, subsidiaries, business partners, customers, and local communities, and declare the implementation of human rights management as follows.
Alteogen support and abide by international standards and norms that support values such as human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption.
Alteogen prevent human rights violations in advance and actively strives for post-remedies.
Alteogen respect diversity for stakeholders, including executives and employees, and do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, gender, age, disability, place of birth, educational background, political opinion, etc.
Alteogen guarantee the freedom of prosecutors and collective bargaining, and do not tolerate forced or child labor in any form.
Alteogen observe all labor principles recommended by the International Labor Organization and ratified by the state, and promote occupational safety and health so that stakeholders, including executives and employees to be able to work safely.
For efficient and optimized supply chain management, we support fair and equitable treatment of contracts, closings, and transactions with subsidiaries and partners, and practice human rights management and humanitarian management.
We strive for customer safety and health, personal information protection, environmental protection, and respect for human rights.
We respect and protect the human rights of local residents and practice love for humanity in our business areas.
We comply with environmental laws and regulations for environmental protection at home and abroad, and strive for environmental protection, pollution prevention, and low-carbon green growth.
We put the safety and peace of the people first, and guarantee and respect the right of movement for all citizens to move freely, comfortably, safely and safely. To achieve this promise, we pledge to work together to ensure that all stakeholders, including executives and employees, can pursue a sustainable direction and development while ensuring universal freedom, rights, and human dignity.
For this promise, we pledge to work together to ensure that all stakeholders, including executives and employees, are guaranteed universal freedom and rights, and human dignity and respect, while achieving sustainable development.